We Live For Liberation

I am not the perfect voice

I have not the only voice

I will simply share my voice

Speak with chest to kin

I am not the perfect mind

I have not the only mind

I will simply use my mind

To alchemise energy

Create through pain

I wield not the perfect body

I wield one of many bodies

I will simply wield my body

Stand up because I can

I came here for a reason

That reason is to live

I vow to live uninhibited

Until death welcomes me in

Within the revolution

My siblings wield such power

Voice, body and breath

We live for liberation


HALAH (They/She) an ocean deep feeler and relentless thinker alchemises their human experiences into words, movements, and connection. Halah is an up and coming creative learning to share their poems and other creations with community while living on Gadigal land.


A Pyric Victory / Interstitial Stitching

