Loose Ends

Rolling the grime between my fingers

It struck a cord

When you told me to wash my hands

And kneel on the gravel outside dads shed

I didn’t mind though

The air was sweet lemon tree perfume

As Nonno ate them like apples

And spat the seeds

Before pain existed

Pastime spent rubbing up on barb wire

So that tufts of hair would collect

And decorate the backyard where my brother used to play

Sen Vanderzalm

Sen Vanderzalm they/them @Vanderversi Sen is a young queer person who has lived in Naarm Melbourne for the last 4 years whilst studying a double degree in art history / curation and media theory. Their poetry practice has been long standing but emerged publicly over the last year through a series of performances, independent publications and local exhibitions. They have also embarked on producing their own series of poetry reading events in collaboration with Phoebe Greaves. Their writing is personal and at times 42 scathing, but ultimately serves as an abstracted observation of Sen’s personal experiences and the worlds they create.


