Handouts Are Taken

Step to step and stark

Breast to beast; a hug to pay.

I need to eat, maybe even want,

Or I might have to give it up.

Might keep soothing,

I do need to keep moving.

Oh Night hub,

Where my love keeps spilling.

I gotta waste it all away.

Don’t mind it, I like it.

Some nights I feel worthwhile.

Gotta waste it all down the storm-to-sea drain.

Can’t slip up or I’ll drown.

I’m reeling on how I’ll keep my head

Above the board. Verity.

Smell my hoarded tray

Of bottles and fluid-seeds.

One day I’ll torch it all to ashes,

But not today — not tonight,

I have my work in mind.

I need to eat, I want to do—

—To try and maybe climb above…

(Shatter his sternum)

Hold on tight to my hat.

Can’t slip or I’ll die.

It’s a balancing act on a barb.

They’ll scream if I shout,

They’ll cheer if I cry.

But it’s what they pay for;

To see a miracle that really hurts.

Dessert and torture has nothing on this

Venom injected into my wine veins.

You had better savour every sip in communion,

You won’t get any of mine.

Remi Lequevre-Akker

Remi Lequevre-Akker, a poet from outer-east Lilydale. His work has appeared in the Verandah Literary Journal (2018, 2020), Farrago Magazine’s Above Water anthology (2023). His research focuses on contemporary fantasy fiction within the sphere of Marxist genre criticism. His poetry focuses on themes of love, identity, and personal freedom, reflecting on his personal experiences as an openly gay atheist.




A Pyric Victory / Interstitial Stitching